Now is the Time
In my dream she starts out small and timid on the mountain.
"Now might be a good time to go."
"Now would be a good time to go."
"Now is the time to go."
"Now is the time." She finishes like a warrior, strong and deep and aware of her truth. Don't forget her. Honor your truth. Listen to your own wisdom. That's what she is telling me. Remember the rooted pelvis, the magenta soul, the running water that tells me to flow. Remember bear and her courage and the home in her fur. Remember deer and the power and grace like wildfire in her calm. Remember eagle and his vision. Remember the map maker, the soul guide. "I can feel the soil through you", Nicola told me. Remember mother pines and the cradle of the earth. Remember the mountain.
Write like your soul depends on it, because it does. Write when you are sucked dry to remember who you are and why you are here. Write to find your internal compass, the true north in your heart and soul. Have the courage to stay on your path. You are the map maker. The creator of the way.
Now is the time to go. Now is the time. Like a heartbeat those words resound dark and deep and lush. Like newly unfurled leaves in the dewy dawn hours. Now is the time. Rise up rooted, fiercely. Stay on your path. Create your map. With pen, with paint, with the earth and ocean and stars. Soul navigation. Internal sonar like whale. Sending your song into the deep and listening for answers.
And walk at dusk in the quiet woods or by the quiet sea. Feel the earth beneath your feet and the peace in your belly. Breathe with the wind in the trees and the crashing of waves. Don't forget your soul, and don't forget your place. You are so guided and so loved. If you knew who walked beside you, you would never feel afraid.